How to Lay Pavers the Easy Way – We Did It, So Can You!

Last updated on January 5, 2023

Laying pavers in your backyard or patio may not seem like an easy task. But when you’re on a tight budget you have to do it. Here’s how we did it.

We’ve been post­ing a slow pro­gres­sion of our mini back­yard remodel the last few months. 

In the back cor­ner of our yard, we had a funky spot under the new per­gola. It’s hid­den and doesn’t get foot traf­fic. Of course, we’re try­ing to do this project on a tight bud­get so we decided to just put some inex­pen­sive pavers down. Ry (a.k.a. my hubby) and Spence (a.k.a. my son) went to town cut­ting and fit­ting the pavers. This was a learn­ing expe­ri­ence for Spencer, but he did great. Some­times it’s just eas­ier to do projects or tasks our­selves but I have to remind myself now and then… “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”

After lay­ing the pavers down it was time to apply the Poly­meric sand. Basi­cally as you see in the photo above you sweep the sand into the crevices between the pavers. Direc­tions may vary prod­uct to prod­uct but our next step was to hose it down then wait for 20 min­utes. This step was repeated sev­eral times.

We cut some cor­ners since this area has no foot traf­fic (we didn’t do the 2-inch lay­ers of decom­posed gran­ite under­neath) so our pavers are not 100% level but we like that. It really gives it an old world Tus­can feel. This project was about 50 sq. feet and took about a half a day. We’re really happy with the end results con­sid­er­ing this isn’t a major over­haul remodel.

As promised before and com­ing soon:

– Ryan’s gar­den beds

–My “not so typ­i­cal” herb garden

–Ryan’s lat­est recy­cling idea. What do you do with an old mattress?

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