How to Make Sangria – Bring Spain To You This Summer

Last updated on June 10, 2019

San­gria I say! The beauty of San­gria lies in the fact that in spite of being exotic and deli­cious, it is incred­i­bly easy to make. There are thou­sands of dif­fer­ent recipes. No joke! Almost every restau­rant has it’s own “secret san­gria”. Through trial and error, I have come up with my own sim­ple recipe. It’s so refresh­ing, fruity and light. Once you make this you’ll won­der why you haven’t before. Not only does it taste amaz­ing, but it is also very easy on your wal­let as well. I promise this is going to become your “go to” party drink!

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What you will need:

  • 1 bot­tle of red wine (dry) *
  • 1 bot­tle of white wine (dry) *
  • 2 cups of fruit such as oranges, lemons, straw­ber­ries, grapes, apples, pears…whatever you like or might hap­pen to be grow­ing in your gar­den. No bananas though… lol
  • 2 shots of vodka or gin
  • 3/4 cup white sugar

Get a pitcher and fill it with the 2 bot­tles of wine. Then add your cleaned and chopped fruit. (chop in bite sizes, except the oranges/lemons can be thin slices) Add the vodka or gin and sugar. Mix it all very well. Cover the pitcher and refrig­er­ate overnight. (this step can­not be skipped. No rush­ing the san­gria, sorry.)

The next day when you’re ready to use it just add lots of ice and stir it well. Serve in wine or bar glasses.

*What type of wine? You wouldn’t want to waste a really fine bot­tle of wine, how­ever you don’t want “headache wine” either. I sug­gest a mod­estly priced, dry wine.

Warn­ing: Sip slowly…it can knock you off your feet! The alco­hol con­tent is much higher than just hav­ing a glass of wine. Overnight the sug­ars, wine, and gin/vodka fer­ment get­ting stronger mak­ing a pitcher of WOW!

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Fun Facts:

–Rioja region, the wine region of Spain is con­sid­ered to be the place where San­gria was born.

–It first became pop­u­lar in the 1800s when fruit punch was served at most aris­to­cratic parties.

–San­gria has become word’s pop­u­lar drink since it was intro­duced to the world at New York World’s trade fair held in 1964.
