The Best Gift for Your Father or Boss

Last updated on July 24, 2019

I love giv­ing gifts! After many years of gift giv­ing it can be tough to come up with new, thought­ful, clever ideas. Here is my lat­est “guy gift”. It’s so sim­ple but yet unique. Pur­chase bbq tools of your choice and have them engraved with a catchy phrase, cook­ing quote, sen­ti­men­tal mes­sage, date, etc…

This was my wife’s gift on our 1st year wed­ding anniver­sary. I engraved the tongs to say, “You don’t make friends with salad” and on the spat­ula, “Grillin since July 22, 2009″ (our wed­ding date, I can be a lil’ sappy). The price will vary depend­ing on the tools you buy. I paid $50 for my uten­sils at Sur La Table and $20 for the engrav­ing (go to your local tro­phy store for much cheaper engrav­ing), for a grand total of $70. I think it can be done for less, but I thought my wife was worth the 70 bucks! Okay I con­fess, I bought her a bbq to go along with these, but really, the uten­sils were the star!

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Get Inspired:

Here are some quote ideas to start your cre­ative juices flowing:

“Where there is love there is barbecue.”

“Red meat is not bad for you.  Now blue-green meat, that’s bad for you!”

“Siz­zling since…(insert your own spe­cial date)”

“Love is like friend­ship on fire.”

“Beam me up Scotty. There is no good bar­be­cue on this planet.”

“My favorite ani­mal is steak.”

“As a child my family’s menu con­sisted of two choices:  take it or leave it.”

“Our wed­ding was many years ago.  The cel­e­bra­tion con­tin­ues to this day.“
