Simple Split Pea Soup Recipe

Last updated on January 5, 2023

I decided to start post­ing Sunday’s soups on Sat­ur­day to give you time to get gro­ceries. Today I’m am shar­ing my son’s favorite soup. He looks for­ward to win­ter because he knows mom’s home­made split pea soup is in his future! (Don’t worry, he doesn’t read my blog, so he won’t know I’m embar­rass­ing him right now.)

This recipe is inspired by Ina Garten’s, Parker’s split pea soup.  I’ve made a few changes such as adding ham and have turned it into Spencer’s split pea soup.


  • 1 cup chopped yel­low onions
  • 2 cloves gar­lic, minced
  • 1/8 cup good olive oil
  • 1 tea­spoon dried oregano
  • 2 tea­spoons kosher salt
  • 1 tea­spoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 cups medium-diced car­rots (3 to 4 carrots)
  • 1 cup medium-diced red boil­ing pota­toes, unpeeled (3 small)
  • 1 pound dried split green peas
  • 1 1/2 cups chopped cooked ham
  • 8 cups chicken stock (or mix 6 cups chicken stock with 2 cups water)


In a large pot on medium heat, saute the onions and gar­lic with the olive oil, oregano, salt, and pep­per until the onions are translu­cent, 10 to 15 min­utes. Add the car­rots, pota­toes,  split peas, and chicken stock. Bring to a boil, then sim­mer uncov­ered for 40 min­utes. Sim­mer for another 40 min­utes with a lid on, or until all the peas are soft. Stir peri­od­i­cally to keep the solids from burn­ing on the bot­tom. Once cooked, remove the lid and allow to cool down for 20 min­utes. Blend half of the soup mix­ture with an immer­sion blender. Add the pureed soup back into the pot. At this point put the chopped ham into the soup. Warm the soup up again, taste for salt and pep­per. Serve hot and with some warm crusty bread.


  • Dou­ble the recipe and freeze some for next week when you get home late from work.
  • This soup is def­i­nitely com­pany wor­thy. To make the pre­sen­ta­tion a lit­tle extra spe­cial, serve it up in a sour­dough bread bowl.
  • Hav­ing den­tal work done soon? This is the per­fect meal to feel sat­is­fied with­out need­ing to chew.
  • Left­over ham? You guessed it, make this soup for sure!
