Swimming Pool Safety Tips and Reminders for Summer

Last updated on January 5, 2023

Sum­mer is around the cor­ner and many will find them­selves hav­ing some “fun in the sun” by the pool while their cabana boy Mr. Clooney brings them a drink with a cute umbrella and all. So that brings me to our impor­tant topic of the day… Pool Safety. I am by no means an expert on this, but I have researched some good reminders for all of us. Espe­cially if we own a pool like myself.

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Adult Super­vi­sion

Never under any cir­cum­stance leave a child unat­tended for any amount of time by a swim­ming pool. If you need to use the restroom, answer the front door, grab a water or what­ever it might be take the child with you or move them into the home you with access to the pool locked.

–Be sure to assign an adult who is in charge of super­vi­sion espe­cially at a gath­er­ing. Often a mis­un­der­stand­ing of who is in charge can arise. To avoid this from hap­pen­ing, make a sim­ple neck­lace that the per­son in charge at the time wears. For exam­ple get some yarn and make a “par­ent on duty” tag that is large and bright. Print the emer­gency phone num­bers on it as well so in a panic they’re handy. You can even add a safety whis­tle to it. That way when you’re wear­ing that neck­lace you know it’s your respon­si­bil­ity not to take your eyes off the swim­ming pool and chil­dren no mat­ter what.

–Remem­ber no flota­tion device can be sub­sti­tuted for adult supervision.

–If you know you can­not pro­vide proper super­vi­sion you can hire a life­guard for your party or event. Be sure they have the proper credentials.

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–This may seem obvi­ous but be sure every­one has plenty of sun­block on. Don’t for­get to reap­ply every few hours.

–Hydra­tion is often over­looked as hours pass by when we’re hav­ing fun in the pool. Be sure to have plenty of water. Per­haps have an ice chest filled with waters and sports drinks. If they’re handy and in site peo­ple will not for­get to drink.

–Learn to per­form CPR. (Car­diopul­monary Resus­ci­ta­tion) I highly rec­om­mend Keep the Beat for cer­ti­fi­ca­tion. They will come to what­ever loca­tion you pre­fer, which makes it very easy to have an “in-home” CPR luncheon/dinner for all your friends and fam­ily. Tiffany, the owner, is very up beat (no pun intended!) so it makes it a lot more fun!

–Enroll your chil­dren in swim­ming lessons.(remember this doesn’t replace supervision)

–Keep a phone by the pool at all times and have the emer­gency phone num­bers posted. Be sure to have a first aid kit on hand.

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May is National Water Safety Month

The above link will take you to a site that has more detailed infor­ma­tion to help you and your loved ones stay safe this summer.

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Tips from our “Pool Boy Roy”

1. Hire a qual­i­fied pool guy. This would mean he has a contractor’s license and insurance.

2. Glass is a “no, no” around the pool.

3. Take all mea­sures to ensure the pool gate is locked.

4. Don’t pee in the pool, we can tell when you do. ;)

5. Treat your sis­ter in-law to a day at the spa since she’s prob­a­bly really amaz­ing and deserves it!

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Do you know any­one who puts the “p” in pool?

If you want to know if the “pool water is clean” and things like this, read here.

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