What is the Rarest Thing in the World? – An In-depth Analysis

Last updated on May 18, 2024

Get ready to delve into the captivating world of the rarest things, simply because there’s an immense satisfaction in uncovering the esoteric secrets of our planet.

Embark on a journey through the extraordinary as we unravel the tapestry of Earth’s rarest treasures. From the ethereal grace of the white peacock to the mysterious allure of the jewelled squid, nature’s vault brims with awe-inspiring rarities.

Moreover, the vaults of mankind guard their own scarce gems: the near-mythical Gutenberg Bible, the precious whisper of Shakespeare’s signature. Each rarity harbors a story, a unique legacy that magnifies its worth and ignites the passions of collectors and admirers alike.

Prepare to delve into a world where scarcity meets splendor, learning what makes these items the pinnacle of rarity and why their value extends far beyond their scarcity.

Key takeaways:

  • Natural rarities: Unique biological characteristics in animals, plants, and minerals.
  • Man-made rarities: Limited quantity of historical artifacts and collectibles.
  • Rarest natural items: White Peacock, Jewelled Squid, Bismuth Crystals, Chinese Lantern, Rafflesia Arnoldii.
  • Rarest man-made items: Honus Wagner Baseball Card, Gutenberg Bible, Rare Coins, Shakespeare’s Signature, Painite.
  • Rarity and value: Rarity increases value, attracting collectors and enthusiasts.
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Defining Rarity: Natural Vs. Man-Made Rarities

defining rarity natural vs. man made rarities

Understanding rarity requires us to look at two distinct categories: natural and man-made items.

Natural rarities come from the Earth’s ecosystems, often presenting unique biological characteristics or found in limited locations.

Examples include animals with unusual pigmentation, exceptionally large or oddly shaped plants, and minerals with distinctive properties.

Their scarcity often stems from specific genetic variations, habitat conditions, and ecological balance.

On the other hand, man-made rarities are products of human creation with a limited quantity.

These can range from historical artifacts and collectibles to artworks and limited-edition items.

Their rarity is usually due to historical context, production limitations, or cultural significance.

Rarity in man-made items often increases their value, especially among collectors and enthusiasts who appreciate their uniqueness and the story behind their creation.

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Natural Rarities

natural rarities

Delving into nature’s treasure trove, we encounter the elusive beauty of the White Peacock, its feathers a cascade of iridescence and mystery. Beneath the ocean waves, the Jewelled Squid sparkles with the enchantment of a living gemstone, a rare sight in the vast blue depths. Emerging from the earth, Bismuth Crystals stun with their geometric perfection and rainbow hues, an extraordinary mineralogical phenomenon.

Shifting to the peculiar, we marvel at the Chinese Lantern plant, where withered husks reveal a glowing, berry-like heart – a true embodiment of life within death. The Rafflesia Arnoldii bursts onto the scene with its record-breaking bloom, laying claim to the title of largest individual flower, a fleeting wonder with a pungent twist.

Among the palette of nature’s colors, the rarity of Purple Carrots and Purple Corn serves as a reminder of the vast genetic diversity hidden in plain sight, their shades defying the common greens and yellows of their kin. An intimate glimpse into the marsupial world, the Kangaroo Joey’s pouch life captivates with its vulnerability and remarkable developmental journey.

On land, the ‘Living Rock’ – Pyura chilensis – masquerades as an inert stone, only to reveal its vibrant, crimson life-force when cut open. Meanwhile, the Tasmanian Giant Crab commands respect with its sheer size, an impressive crustacean that rules the underwater realm. From natural oddities to botanical giants, these examples underscore the breathtaking variety and scarcity that our planet harbors.

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White Peacock

white peacock

With feathers that resemble a lacework of ice crystals, the white peacock is a marvel of nature. Unlike their vibrant counterparts, these birds owe their stunning appearance to a lack of pigment known as leucism. This genetic condition results in their unique, ghostly plumage, which is not a true white but rather a soft ivory tone.

White peacocks still flaunt the same majestic fan of elongated tail plumage, known as a train, shimmering in the light with an understated elegance. Unlike albinism, leucism doesn’t affect eye color; hence, these creatures often have piercing blue eyes.

Spotting one in the wild is exceptionally rare due to their conspicuous visibility to predators, they predominantly reside in protected environments where they can flourish without threat.

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Jewelled Squid

jewelled squid

Delving into the ocean’s depths brings one face-to-face with some of nature’s most spectacular creations. Among these, a particular deep-sea cephalopod stands out for its dazzling appearance. With a body that looks as though it’s been bedazzled by an underwater jeweler, this creature gets its sparkle from bioluminescent organs called photophores that adorn its body. These glittering points of light serve a practical purpose, helping to camouflage the squid in the deep blue sea.

This squid doesn’t just rely on its luminescence for disguise. Its ability to reflect light off the surrounding water also makes it nearly invisible to predators from below. Despite its elusive nature, it plays a crucial role in the marine ecosystem, serving as both predator and prey in its cold, dark habitat.

Observing this elusive sea gem requires deep-diving equipment or remote-operated vehicles, as it dwells at depths most sunlight can’t reach. This scarcity of encounters adds to its mystique and secures its place as one of the rarest spectacles beneath the waves.

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Bismuth Crystals

Unique among the pantheon of minerals, Bismuth crystals captivate with their iridescent hues and stair-step architecture. These crystals hold the title of being one of the most naturally geometric substances on earth, with a spiraling growth pattern that reflects light into a rainbow of colors. A curious fact is that Bismuth has a relatively low melting point (271.5 degrees Celsius), allowing enthusiasts to melt and form their own crystals at home.

Though not particularly scarce, Bismuth in its pure elemental form is rarely found in nature, and its aesthetic appeal bumps it into the realms of the rare and coveted. Derived from lead-free ore, Bismuth crystals are coveted both for their aesthetic appeal and their nontoxicity, often finding their way into jewelry and decorative items.

The brilliance of the crystal stems from an oxide layer that forms on the surface during the cooling process. This oxide layer refracts light, resulting in a rich spectrum of colors and earning the mineral its whimsical, otherworldly appearance. The larger and more complex the crystal, the more unusual and desirable it becomes to collectors. Each Bismuth crystal is a one-of-a-kind natural sculpture, a true display of nature’s geometric artistry.

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‘Life Within Death’: Chinese Lantern

The Chinese Lantern plant, officially known as Physalis alkekengi, is a marvel that embodies the paradox of life and decay.

Encased in a delicate, yet striking, bright red husk that resembles a paper lantern, this plant reveals a translucent silhouette upon maturity.

As the outer shell withers, a berry-like fruit endures within, symbolizing resilience and the cycle of life.

This captivating phenomenon has deep roots in symbolism, often associated with protection and hidden truths.

It’s a sought-after specimen in gardens, not just for its unique appearance but for its intriguing duality, offering an exceptional conversation piece for both garden enthusiasts and philosophers alike.

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Rafflesia Arnoldii Flower

Unveiling the impressive scale of this bloom, the Rafflesia arnoldii claims fame as the largest single flower on the planet. Native to the rainforests of Indonesia, it’s often referred to as the “corpse flower” due to its strong odor, reminiscent of rotting flesh—a mechanism that enticingly attracts pollinators like flies.

This remarkable species has no visible leaves, stems, or roots, leading an almost phantom existence by parasitizing the Tetrastigma vine. Due to its rarity and the specific conditions it requires to thrive, sighting a Rafflesia in full bloom is considered a once-in-a-lifetime event for many nature enthusiasts.

The fleeting nature of its blooms, which last for just a few days, adds to the flower’s allure. Despite its ephemeral beauty, it plays a pivotal role in the ecosystems where it resides, contributing to the biodiversity that is essential for a healthy environment. The ongoing deforestation and habitat loss place this magnificent species at risk, emphasizing the importance of conservation efforts in these regions.

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Purple Carrots

Originally, all cultivated carrots were purple, along with yellow and white counterparts, before the 17th century when Dutch cultivators popularized the orange variety. The deep, vibrant hue comes from anthocyanins, the same antioxidants found in blueberries.

Despite their rarity today, purple carrots boast both the sweet, earthy flavor familiar to carrot enthusiasts and additional health benefits linked to anthocyanins, including anti-inflammatory properties and the potential to improve heart health.

Those interested in adding a splash of color to their diet can sometimes find these gems at local farmers’ markets or specialty stores. For the green-thumbed, purple carrot seeds are available for those who wish to cultivate a bit of this rarity in their own gardens. The aesthetic of dishes from salads to roasted vegetable medleys can be enhanced by the striking pigment that purple carrots retain even after cooking.

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Kangaroo Joey Inside a Pouch

Witnessing the rare sight of a kangaroo joey curled up in its mother’s pouch offers a unique glimpse into the marsupial’s distinctive reproductive process.

Female kangaroos give birth to underdeveloped offspring, which immediately crawl into the pouch to continue their development.

This pouch, a marvel of nature, acts as a portable nursery equipped with everything the joey needs – warmth, protection, and nutrition through the mother’s milk.

As joeys grow, they start to venture out of this safe haven for short periods, but quickly hop back in when threatened or tired, a behavior that can be observed until they are too big for the pouch.

The ability of kangaroos to nurse up to three offspring of different developmental stages simultaneously also adds to the peculiarity, making the early life of a joey both extraordinary and a quintessential rarity in the animal kingdom.

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Living Rock: Pyura Chilensis

Seemingly inanimate yet teeming with life, Pyura chilensis, also known as the “Living Rock,” is an organism found off the coast of Chile and Peru that has surprised scientists and ocean enthusiasts alike. Its outer appearance is as deceiving as a real rock, but inside it’s a vibrant tunicate or sea squirt.

Camouflage Masters: This marine filter-feeder looks exactly like a rock to avoid predators.

Unique Composition: Inside, it’s a reddish soft animal with a blood-like liquid filled with vanadium.

Reproductive Wonders: It is a hermaphrodite that releases eggs and sperm simultaneously.

Cuisine Delight: Despite its bizarre appearance, it’s considered a local delicacy and harvested for food.

Gregarious Nature: Often found in clusters, individual “rocks” can actually fuse with others to form colonies.

Conservation Status: Overharvesting and other environmental pressures threaten its existence, making it a species of interest for conservationists.

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Tasmanian Giant Crab

Diving into the depths of the ocean off Southern Australia reveals one of the most impressive rarities: the Tasmanian giant crab. Weighing up to an astonishing 17 kilograms (37 pounds) with a shell width of over 46 centimeters (18 inches), this crab isn’t just large – it’s the second-largest crab species on earth. Their massive size is a wonder, considering their cousins in the crab family are often found scuttling at much smaller dimensions.

What makes them even more intriguing is the male’s disproportionate massive claw, which can be as heavy as 6 kilograms (13 pounds) alone, used to attract females and duel with rivals. But don’t let their fearsome appearance mislead you; these gentle giants are known to be slow-moving and rather docile.

Their rarity isn’t just in size. The Tasmanian giant crab’s limited distribution, found in cold, shadowy waters up to 820 feet deep, means naturally encountering one is a moment of serendipity. Moreover, they’re a crab connoisseur’s dream, sought after for their delicious meat. Conservation efforts aim to ensure their numbers remain stable, balancing ecological and commercial interests. Their uniqueness contributes to the biodiversity of marine life and underscores the need to protect our ocean’s mysteries.

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Purple Corn

With a deep violet hue that captivates the eye, this vibrant corn is more than just a pretty ear. Originating from the Andean region in South America, its unique color is due to high levels of anthocyanins, antioxidants reputed for health benefits.

Aside from its nutritional value, it’s a staple in Peruvian cuisine, adding color to dishes and drinks like the traditional “chicha morada” beverage.

Cultivation of this crop is niche, making it a rarity outside its native territory. Connoisseurs admire it for its earthy sweetness, which adds an unexpected twist to any corn-based recipe.

Plus, its rich coloration is a feast for the eyes on any plate, making it a culinary double threat: a healthful ingredient packed with visual appeal.

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Man-Made Rarities

Human creativity and craftsmanship can result in items of extreme scarcity and value. Consider the Honus Wagner Baseball Card, treasured by sports memorabilia collectors for its limited release, making it a significant relic of baseball history. The Gutenberg Bible is another example; as one of the first major books printed using mass-produced movable type, it signifies a watershed moment in the dissemination of knowledge.

Coins and stamps also exemplify man-made rarities. The exceptional rarity of specific coins, like the 1933 Double Eagle, stems from their limited mintage and historical significance. Similarly, stamps like the Treskilling Yellow are coveted due to misprints that make each stamp unique.

Literature and art hold their own with items such as Shakespeare’s signature, surviving on only a handful of documents, making it an extraordinary collector’s gem. In the realm of minerals, Painite was once considered the world’s rarest mineral, its rarity a product of its singular locality and crystalline beauty.

Music and fashion bring their rare treasures—John Lennon’s ‘Double Fantasy’ album, signed just hours before his death, creating a poignant piece of music history. Levi’s jeans from the 1800s remind us that even everyday objects can become rare artifacts over time.

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Honus Wagner Baseball Card

Diving into the world of collectible sports memorabilia, the T206 Honus Wagner card soars to the top of the rarity list. Issued between 1909 and 1911, its scarcity is attributed to Wagner’s alleged request to cease production, possibly due to his disapproval of tobacco products associated with the cards.

With less than 60 known to exist, this card’s value is amplified by Wagner’s status as one of baseball’s greats. For context, in May 2021, a T206 Honus Wagner card sold for over $3.7 million at auction—an evocative testament to its desirability among collectors.

The card’s legend further grows with each record-breaking sale, stitching it firmly into the fabric of baseball history and rarity lore.

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Gutenberg Bible

With less than 50 copies in existence, the Gutenberg Bible stands as a pinnacle of rare printed works. Crafted in the 1450s, it marks a pivotal moment in history as the first major book printed with movable type in the West, symbolizing the dawn of the age of mass communication. Its creation reflects the ingenuity of Johannes Gutenberg, a pioneer who revolutionized the dissemination of knowledge.

Each surviving Gutenberg Bible is a masterpiece of early typography, with its elegant text and intricate illumination done by hand. This rarity is not just about physical scarcity; it also captures a significant cultural and technological leap. Collectors prize it for both its content and as a historical artifact, with full copies commanding multimillion-dollar prices at auctions.

Ownership of a Gutenberg Bible is akin to holding a piece of history itself. Institutions and wealthy private collectors who possess a copy guard it with the utmost care, often bequeathing it as a treasured legacy and an investment in cultural heritage. Those fortunate enough to view one of these bibles find themselves in the rarefied presence of a true marvel of human achievement.

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Rarest Coin

Delving into the numismatic world reveals the 1849 Double Eagle as a pinnacle of rarity. Struck during the California Gold Rush, this coin’s allure is undeniable with only one confirmed specimen in existence.

The Smithsonian Institution safeguards this historic treasure, reinforcing the idea that some rarities are truly one-of-a-kind. The scarcity is due to the coin being a prototype, with mass production never coming to fruition.

This golden Double Eagle serves as a testament to the idiosyncratic nature of collector’s items where history, scarcity, and demand intertwine to create astronomical value. The lure goes beyond the intrinsic worth of the gold; it encapsulates a tangible piece of history, making it exceptionally sought after by collectors around the globe.

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Shakespeare’s Signature

William Shakespeare stands as one of history’s most celebrated playwrights, but his autograph is staggeringly scarce. In existence, there are only six authenticated signatures of the Bard, and none of them are found on his legendary plays. These rare autographs are scattered across various legal documents, including three on his will.

The scarcity of Shakespeare’s signature can be attributed to several factors:

  • Historical Context: In the 16th and 17th centuries, literacy rates were lower, and signatures were less common. People often used marks or seals instead.
  • Preservation: Paper and ink from that era have not always stood the test of time, and many documents have been lost or deteriorated beyond recognition.
  • Exclusivity: Owning a genuine Shakespeare signature has become the ultimate collector’s item, symbolizing both cultural significance and extreme rarity.
  • Forgery Deterrence: The immense value and rarity of these signatures mean that they are often kept in secure locations, such as national archives or private collections with limited access, minimizing the risk of forgery.

Each surviving instance of Shakespeare’s handwriting provides an invaluable glimpse into the life of a man whose work profoundly shaped English literature.

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Discovered in Myanmar in the 1950s, the gemstone named after its discoverer, British mineralogist Arthur C. D. Pain, was once cataloged as the world’s rarest mineral. For years, there were less than a handful of known specimens, making its scarcity a gemologist’s marvel.

Here are a few intriguing qualities of Painite:

  • Composition: Painite is borate mineral that includes trace amounts of zirconium, calcium, and aluminum among other elements, conferring its unique reddish-brown to a deep violet hue.
  • Rarity Factor: Its rarity is attributed to its very specific and limited geological formation conditions, which have only been found in a couple of localities in Myanmar.
  • Increasing Numbers: Modern finds have unearthed more samples, yet it remains exceedingly uncommon, numbering in the thousands of crystals versus millions for more common gems.
  • Collector’s Gem: While some now use Painite for jewelry, its high rarity and collector interest keep its status as a prized specimen predominantly within collectors’ circles.
  • Symbol of Exclusivity: Owning a piece of Painite is akin to having a natural treasure, representing one of Earth’s rarest offerings.
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Treskilling Yellow Stamp

Among philatelists, the Treskilling Yellow holds a record-breaking status. Back in 1855, this Swedish stamp started as a printing error with the wrong color—yellow instead of the intended green. What makes it especially valuable is the simple fact that it’s unique; only one example is known to exist.

The stamp’s story is as captivating as its value. After being discovered by a young boy in 1886, it changed hands multiple times, each time appreciating in price. When it last came up for auction, it fetched millions of dollars, cementing its place in the philatelic pantheon.

Its value goes beyond its rarity; the Treskilling Yellow serves as a testament to history, embodying the era of its origin, the evolution of postal services, and the birth of stamp collecting as a serious hobby. Collectors around the world dream of adding such a singular piece to their collection, knowing it would be the crown jewel of their philatelic treasures.

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Levi’s Jeans

Among treasured man-made rarities, certain vintage denim is akin to wearable gold. The fascination for historic Levi’s, especially, stems from their embodiment of American heritage and craftsmanship. A prime example is the Levi’s 501 jeans from the late 19th century, which command sky-high prices and collector enthusiasm.

  • Investment Pieces: Identifiable by their unique features like leather patches and button flys, vintage Levi’s 501s have sold for impressive sums, sometimes exceeding $100,000.
  • Rarity Factors: The scarcity of antique pairs, combined with their condition, age, and historical significance, elevates their value.
  • Collector’s Market: Denim enthusiasts actively seek limited-edition releases and samples that never hit the mainstream market, imbuing these jeans with a mystique that transcends fashion.
  • Cultural Impact: Beyond their material worth, these garments hold stories, representing eras from the Gold Rush to present-day vintage revivals.
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Double Fantasy Album

Imagine holding a piece of music history in your hands. That’s what “Double Fantasy” encapsulates—a collaboration album between John Lennon and Yoko Ono, released in 1980.

What elevates one specific copy to extraordinary rarity is the poignant signature of Lennon himself, autographed just hours before his untimely demise.

This piece, infused with historical resonance and the aura of a legend’s last moments, transcends mere musical memorabilia to become a priceless artifact.

Collectors and music enthusiasts alike recognize it as a haunting echo of past genius, making it one of the most sought-after items for those passionate about the intersection of music and history.

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Sorraia Horse

Stepping into the world of equine rarities, the Sorraia Horse emerges as an emblem of equine history, preserving ancient genetic markers nearly lost to time. This primitive horse breed, hailing from the Iberian Peninsula, notably the Sorraia River Valley in Portugal, carries the legacy of ancestors that once roamed in wild Iberian herds.

  • The Sorraia Horse is distinguished by its narrow body, convex profile, and zebra-like markings, which speak to its ancient lineage.
  • Initially identified as a distinct breed in the 1920s, the Sorraia’s traits align closely with depictions found in Paleolithic cave art, accentuating its ancestral roots.
  • With only a few hundred individuals in existence, the breed represents not just a rarity but a critical preservation effort; every Sorraia is pivotal for maintaining genetic diversity and studying equine evolution.
  • Conservation efforts are vital for the Sorraia, given its status as a genetic reservoir that could benefit other horse breeds, ensuring the continuation of traits that were once widespread in wild horses.
  • Aside from its genetic significance, the Sorraia is appreciated for its hardiness and adaptability, traits honed over centuries of survival in the harsh Iberian wilderness.

The Sorraia’s rarity and historical significance offer an irreplaceable glimpse into the equine past and underscore the importance of protecting such unique genetic treasures.

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Ming Dynasty Vase

While the splendor of the Ming Dynasty has long faded into history, its exquisite porcelain vases continue to capture the modern imagination, fetching astronomical prices at auctions.

These vases are considered rare due to their limited quantity, age, historical significance, and the masterful craftsmanship they exhibit.

Each piece tells a story of an era, with intricate designs that often depict Chinese mythology, nature, or the quintessential blue-and-white patterns associated with Ming porcelain.

Collectors around the globe cherish these vases for their beauty and as investments, knowing that owning one is like holding a fragment of the past – tangible and irreplaceable.

Their rarity is amplified by the fact that many have been lost through time, and the surviving specimens are zealously guarded, mostly residing in museums or private collections of the uber-wealthy.

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Caviar of the East

Hailing from the waters surrounding the Philippine archipelago, this delicacy is revered for its rarity and the meticulous process required for its harvest. Noted for its golden hue, it’s harvested from sea urchins, rather than sturgeon from which traditional caviar is sourced.

It’s an exquisite paradox of flavor—soft yet pronounced with a subtle brine that lingers on the tongue. Rarity owes much to the seasonal limitations and the craftsmanship involved in its collection, making it a prized possession in culinary circles.

Celebrated in select dishes across high-end Southeast Asian restaurants, it represents the pinnacle of gastronomic indulgence for both connoisseurs and adventurous food lovers alike.

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What is the rarest objects in the universe?

The rarest object in the universe is antimatter, a unique type of matter comprising antiparticles, whose properties starkly contrast those of normal particles like protons, electrons, and neutrons, known for its remarkable scarcity and tendency to self-annihilate when it comes in contact with normal matter.

What’s something that’s rare?

Blue diamonds and red beryl are rare gemstones while the Javan rhinoceros and the Amur leopard are critically endangered rare animals.

Which gemstone is the most scarce and where can it be found?

The most scarce gemstone is painite, primarily found in Myanmar.

What animal species is the most endangered and why?

The most endangered animal species is the Vaquita, a small porpoise, due to illegal fishing and entanglement in gillnets.

What is the rarest language in the world and where is it spoken?

The rarest language in the world is Taushiro, spoken by a single person in the Amazon Basin in Peru.

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