Dinner in a Bag – Lunch Bag Swordfish Recipe

Last updated on January 5, 2023

You heard me cor­rectly, din­ner in a bag. Did I men­tion it was a paper bag? This isn’t your typ­i­cal meal, this is a show stop­per! The good news is, your palate will for­ever love you and it’s sim­ple to pre­pare. This can be made in under an hour total. Although not nec­es­sary,  I rec­om­mend mak­ing the sauce at least a few hours ahead so the fla­vors have more time to develop. This meal def­i­nitely has fun fac­tor too. You sit down in front of a paper bag on your plate. Then you just rip it open as a cloud of steam full of amaz­ing aro­mas sud­denly hits your senses. It’s pure happiness!

This recipe comes from the kitchen of Michael Chiarello. RECIPE HERE. As usual, I did a few lit­tle tweaks to the orig­i­nal recipe. I use cod or hal­ibut in place of the sword­fish. I also dou­ble the red pep­per flakes (if you like spicy) and lemon juice. If I have basil grow­ing, I throw that into the sauce as well. (2 tbsp )

Per­fect for:

  • Impress­ing your sig­nif­i­cant other.
  • Cook­ing a meal for your foodie friend.
  • A large sit-down dinner.
  • When you don’t really like fish but need or want to eat more of it.
  • Hang­ing with your in-laws.
  • When your dish­washer is on the blink. (easy cleanup, see photo below)
  • Any­time…
