How to Make a Brie Cheese Appetizer

Last updated on July 24, 2019

This is my easy brie cheese appe­tizer. As a side note, I don’t eat cheese except for brie and nacho cheese. (the kind you find at the movies) I know it’s a lit­tle weird. What can I say? I’m a lit­tle weird. Any­hoo, you and your for­tu­nate guests will gob­ble these up! They’re so easy to make and deli­cious. One evening I had day old bread and some left over brie. I thought, “Hhh­mmm, what can I make besides the obvi­ous just brie and bread?” I had plenty of fresh herbs in my gar­den and I had a red onion in the fridge. Thats when the brieasy was born… Buon Appetito!


(makes 20 pieces)

–one loaf of skinny french bread sliced into 20 pieces

–10 fresh basil leaves

–brie cheese (one aver­age size wedge)

–red onions (1/2 cup thinly sliced)

–olive oil (2 tsp)

–pep­per (to taste)


1) take your french bread loaf and slice thinly

2) cut your 10 basil leaves(washed and dried) in half mak­ing 20

3) saute’ the red onions in a pan with the olive oil for about 3–4 min­utes, set aside

4) cut the bre’ wedge into 20 slices

Turn your oven broiler on. Then lay out the bread slices on a bak­ing sheet. First put a basil leaf on each slice of bread. Next dis­trib­ute the red onions evenly on the slices. After that put a brie slice on each piece of bread. Take fresh ground pep­per and lightly sprin­kle on top. Put the sheet of bread in the oven for 3 min­utes. At this point, do not walk away! Each oven is very dif­fer­ent and may toast faster than oth­ers. When the bre’ is bub­bling and it has a slight toast to it remove from oven. (see photo)

Arrange appe­tiz­ers on a plat­ter gar­nish­ing with some fresh basil leaves. Serve imme­di­ately. I like them warm, but they can also be served at room temperature.


These go fast…make plenty!
