Where Do They Go to the Bathroom on Survivor: Behind-the-Scenes Insights

Last updated on August 30, 2024

This article reveals the behind-the-scenes bathroom setup for contestants on the survival TV show “Survivor”.

Key takeaways:

  • Contestants designate their own bathroom areas, called ‘Coconut Groves’.
  • The scarcity of food leads to irregular bowel movements.
  • The ‘aqua dump’ in the ocean is a popular method, but has its drawbacks.
  • Food challenges can cause digestive distress and affect gameplay.
  • Contestants bond over shared bathroom experiences and find humor in discomfort.
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Each Tribe Designates Its Own ‘Coconut Grove’

each tribe designates its own coconut grove

Survivor players get creative with their bathroom areas, often referred to by past contestants as their ‘Coconut Grove’. It’s a bit of an open-air privy tucked away from the main camp. Here’s how it typically works:

– Location is key: Castaways pick a spot far enough to maintain privacy but close enough for a quick dash in case nature calls urgently.

– Discretion is a shared value: Tribe members usually agree on signals to ensure privacy and avoid awkward encounters. Sometimes, it’s as simple as leaving a noticeable marker near the path leading to the makeshift restroom.

– Environmental respect: Contestants dig small holes to cover up after themselves, following the unwritten rules of camping etiquette, keeping their beaches and jungles as pristine as possible.

– Community effort: Just like shelter building, toilet location selection becomes a group decision. It’s the first of many collaborations that’ll set the tone for tribal unity (or division).

The underlying challenge? Balancing sanitary needs with survival strategies, not forgetting that the camera crew is always close by.

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Players Don’t Poop As Frequently As They Normally Would

The scarcity of food unsurprisingly translates into irregular bowel movements for contestants. With rations limited to rice, coconut, and whatever they can forage, their digestive systems get far less to work with. The result? Far fewer trips to the designated bathroom area than one might expect.

Ironically, the grueling challenges and calorie burn don’t kick-start digestion. Instead, their bodies cling to every bit of energy, slowing down waste production. They’re running on survival mode, with a metabolism that’s more about preservation than regularity.

Furthermore, frequent dehydration plays its part. There’s just not enough fluid in their system to process waste efficiently. Digestive systems become sluggish when hydration levels dip, leading to constipation.

It might be hard to believe, but some contestants report ‘forgetting’ the need to go for days at a time, a testament to how the body prioritizes its functions when pushed to the limit. The human body is remarkably adaptable, adjusting to new challenges with surprising efficiency.

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The Fabled ‘aqua Dump’ Has Its Pros and Cons

Diving into the depths of makeshift latrines, the ‘aqua dump’ is Survivor’s answer to a fish’s open-water habits. Contestants often choose this method for its straightforward clean-up – the ocean does the job – waving goodbye to leaves or other, less-appealing materials. However, this approach isn’t without its drawbacks. The thought of floating alongside your own, well, floaters, doesn’t paint the prettiest picture.

There’s also a touch of etiquette involved. Tides and currents, if not considered, could turn the tribe’s bathing spot into an unwelcome surprise. It’s a delicate balance between personal convenience and communal living.

Those taking the plunge might find solace in the reality of marine life turning waste into energy. Still, the aqua dump is a divisive topic – it brings a whole new meaning to swimming with the fishes.

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Food Challenges Can End Up Making Things Worse

Survivor’s food challenges are infamous for pushing contestants to their limits with exotic and often stomach-churning fare. While they make for riveting television, these challenges can wreak havoc on the castaways’ digestive systems. Habitually accustomed to relatively bland staples like rice and coconut, participants are suddenly faced with rich and foreign foods. The result? A gastrointestinal revolt.

Digestive distress becomes a silent adversary after these challenges, leading to more frequent and urgent trips to the makeshift bathroom facilities. This escalation in urgency isn’t just uncomfortable; it becomes a strategic hindrance. Extra time spent away from camp is time not spent forging alliances or scheming, which in Survivor can spell disaster.

Moreover, the blend of hunger-driven enthusiasm and the pressure to win rewards can blur the line between necessity and excess. Castaways may overindulge in the name of competition, only to suffer the consequences later in the seclusion of the jungle. These are the unsung trials of Survivor, where the battle with one’s own stomach can be as fierce as the competition itself.

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Watch: Elaine Stott, Survivor 39: Island of The Idols

Elaine Stott, a memorable contestant from “Survivor 39,” gave a bit of an eye-opener on how nature’s call is handled on the show. In a nutshell, contestants take the ‘when in Rome’ approach. Stott’s candid recount emphasized that privacy becomes a quaint memory, and a certain level of camaraderie develops as a result. Castaways often share their bathroom tales, regaling one another with stories that would make the more squeamish among us blush.

Indeed, Stott’s revelations underlined that going number two isn’t about comfort; it’s about necessity and adaptation. Utilizing makeshift facilities, the castaways contend with the elements as well as each other. Despite toilet paper being a luxury item in the game, Stott’s tales reflect a sense of humor necessary to cope with such rustic conditions. It’s all about finding humor in the discomfort and bonding through shared, shall we say, ‘back to basics’ experiences.

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