Unique Room Service Gift Idea

Last updated on January 5, 2023

Who doesn’t love room ser­vice? When I think of relax­ation and some­thing spe­cial, I think room ser­vice. While wait­ing to have a nice hot meal deliv­ered to your door, you can be watch­ing re-runs of Sein­feld on your dreamy bed. It’s my love of this lux­ury that made me think of my lat­est gift creation.

“Room ser­vice please” is what I’m call­ing this cus­tomized gift that is per­fect for so many occa­sions, such as an anniver­sary or a new baby arrival. Basi­cally you’re giv­ing some­one the gift of a home­made meal deliv­ered to their front door. Since pre­sen­ta­tion is every­thing, so they say, I’ve pro­vided some ideas and free down­loads so you can give that per­fectly wrapped present!

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What to do:

  • Pur­chase a con­tainer whether it be a casse­role dish or a cute pot. Be sure it is some­thing that will store your meal.
  • Get rib­bons, twine, a unique pen­cil, mini clothes­pins, fresh herb cut­tings, etc…to wrap up your pack­age. (see photos)
  • Fig­ure out what din­ner options you’d like to offer. Then go to my free down­load below and cus­tomize yours. Name your “restau­rant” some­thing clever. It was my friends 11th wed­ding anniver­sary so I called it, “Bistro Eleven”.
  • To make your door hanger I have also pro­vided a free down­load below for your con­ve­nience. You just need to fill in the blanks.

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For the gift I gave, I required 48 hours notice to be given. I also requested them to put the door hanger on my door with their order filled out. Have them drop the dish off at this time as well. If you pre­fer, you could have them put it on their door and ask that they shoot you a text when they do. (this really only will work well if you live close to one another) If you think this would be an incon­ve­nience, you can have instruc­tions on the door hanger or menu that tells them to e-mail you their order for example.

