5 Creative and Unique Ways to Gift Money

Last updated on January 5, 2023

What’s the gift nobody will return? Here are the top 5 most creative and unique ways to gift money!

Yup, it’s money! Good old cash. I know this is some­thing every­one can use. I usu­ally opt for the gift card, but with so many busi­nesses going under, I’m turn­ing to cash more and more these days. My nephew is grad­u­at­ing in Decem­ber from High School. Since the kid has every­thing already, includ­ing the best aunt ever, I feel I may have to just hand over some cash. So I’ve been brain­storm­ing some unique ways to gift money.

Bread Money

Bread, a.k.a. money is the per­fect way to wrap up your gen­eros­ity. One rea­son peo­ple don’t like to give cash is because they think it’s imper­sonal or appears to be the easy route. Doing some­thing like this will show you did put some thought into their gift.

What To Do:

  • Pur­chase a loaf of bread, whether it be a roll or a large loaf.
  • Cut it in half, then scoop a lit­tle of the bread out to make room for the cash.
  • Place the bread in a clear bag or bak­ery box.
  • Add a rib­bon or raf­fia tie with a gift tag attached that clearly indi­cates they need to open the bread loaf. This is very impor­tant oth­er­wise you run a small risk that they’ll just throw it out…or even eat it!

Tag Ideas:

  • Thought you might like a lit­tle bread to help feed your crav­ing for a vaca­tion (fill in what you know they would like it for).”
  • Man can­not live on bread alone, so look inside!”
  • Remem­ber, man does not live on bread alone: some­times he needs a lit­tle but­ter­ing up.” (but­ter inside)
  • Be sure to break open the bread…

Money Origami

The next idea unveils money origami. The prob­lem is, at least for me, is it can be com­plex to make. I finally found one that I was able to make it in less than 5 min­utes on my first try! It’s the money ring. You can find a lot of tuto­ri­als on the web but this one was eas­i­est to fol­low. How to fold the dol­lar bill ring cour­tesy of Home­made Gifts Made Easy.

After you’ve com­pleted mak­ing your ring, sim­ply wrap it up in a jewelry/ring box. I don’t know any girl that wouldn’t love to receive that kind of bling! They say “dia­monds are a girl’s best friend”, but I think the green stuff comes in a close second.

A clever, but corny, tag line for gift­ing the money ring: “Will you… go shop­ping with me?”

Money Dough

Who doesn’t knead a lit­tle dough? This is my favorite way to gift money. I know it’s a lit­tle cheesy, but it sure is fun!

Here’s what to do:

  • Pur­chase pre-made pizza dough at a store like Trader Joes or make your own.
  • Get together a clear bag, Ziplock bag­gie, twine, gift tag, flour, and your money.
  • Lay the flour out on a board and roll your pizza dough in it. Then place your money in a small Ziplock back and hide your cash in the pizza dough mound. Put the dough in your clear bag clos­ing it with the twine.
  • Add your gift tag to the bag. It is very impor­tant to write some­thing that will let the per­son know they need to dig into the dough to find their trea­sure. You wouldn’t want them to acci­den­tally just throw it out.

Gift tag quotes:

  • Thought you might like some dough… peak inside.”
  • Just a lit­tle dough to put towards your new com­puter (or whatever).”
  • Heard you might knead some dough…”

Money CD Case

How to gift money idea number four, makes me want to sing! This is the perfect gift for music lovers. You simply take a blank cd case and fill the cover page with money. Get creative and make a monogram or funky design using the money bills. Then on the inside, I have a CD that I burned songs that have a money theme. I think this is sure to be a hit!

Money to Burn

Who wouldn’t love some money to burn? Guilt-free spend­ing at it’s best. Get a match­book and fill it with some cash. Just like all the other wrap­pings men­tioned this week, be sure to indi­cate on the out­side of the match­book that there is some­thing impor­tant on the inside. I sug­gest writ­ing some­thing like, “Money to burn, cour­tesy of Aunt Nel­lene.” You could even put it in an enve­lope with your card just like the photo above, half exposed. The ideas are really end­less when you put your right side of the brain to work!
