5 Creative and Unique Ways to Gift Money

Last updated on January 5, 2023

What’s the gift nobody will return? Here are the top 5 most creative and unique ways to gift money!

Yup, it’s money! Good old cash. I know this is some­thing every­one can use. I usu­ally opt for the gift card, but with so many busi­nesses going under, I’m turn­ing to cash more and more these days. My nephew is grad­u­at­ing in Decem­ber from High School. Since the kid has every­thing already, includ­ing the best aunt ever, I feel I may have to just hand over some cash. So I’ve been brain­storm­ing some unique ways to gift money.

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Bread Money

Bread, a.k.a. money is the per­fect way to wrap up your gen­eros­ity. One rea­son peo­ple don’t like to give cash is because they think it’s imper­sonal or appears to be the easy route. Doing some­thing like this will show you did put some thought into their gift.

What To Do:

  • Pur­chase a loaf of bread, whether it be a roll or a large loaf.
  • Cut it in half, then scoop a lit­tle of the bread out to make room for the cash.
  • Place the bread in a clear bag or bak­ery box.
  • Add a rib­bon or raf­fia tie with a gift tag attached that clearly indi­cates they need to open the bread loaf. This is very impor­tant oth­er­wise you run a small risk that they’ll just throw it out…or even eat it!

Tag Ideas:

  • Thought you might like a lit­tle bread to help feed your crav­ing for a vaca­tion (fill in what you know they would like it for).”
  • Man can­not live on bread alone, so look inside!”
  • Remem­ber, man does not live on bread alone: some­times he needs a lit­tle but­ter­ing up.” (but­ter inside)
  • Be sure to break open the bread…
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Money Origami

The next idea unveils money origami. The prob­lem is, at least for me, is it can be com­plex to make. I finally found one that I was able to make it in less than 5 min­utes on my first try! It’s the money ring. You can find a lot of tuto­ri­als on the web but this one was eas­i­est to fol­low. How to fold the dol­lar bill ring cour­tesy of Home­made Gifts Made Easy.

After you’ve com­pleted mak­ing your ring, sim­ply wrap it up in a jewelry/ring box. I don’t know any girl that wouldn’t love to receive that kind of bling! They say “dia­monds are a girl’s best friend”, but I think the green stuff comes in a close second.

A clever, but corny, tag line for gift­ing the money ring: “Will you… go shop­ping with me?”

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Money Dough

Who doesn’t knead a lit­tle dough? This is my favorite way to gift money. I know it’s a lit­tle cheesy, but it sure is fun!

Here’s what to do:

  • Pur­chase pre-made pizza dough at a store like Trader Joes or make your own.
  • Get together a clear bag, Ziplock bag­gie, twine, gift tag, flour, and your money.
  • Lay the flour out on a board and roll your pizza dough in it. Then place your money in a small Ziplock back and hide your cash in the pizza dough mound. Put the dough in your clear bag clos­ing it with the twine.
  • Add your gift tag to the bag. It is very impor­tant to write some­thing that will let the per­son know they need to dig into the dough to find their trea­sure. You wouldn’t want them to acci­den­tally just throw it out.

Gift tag quotes:

  • Thought you might like some dough… peak inside.”
  • Just a lit­tle dough to put towards your new com­puter (or whatever).”
  • Heard you might knead some dough…”

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Money CD Case

How to gift money idea number four, makes me want to sing! This is the perfect gift for music lovers. You simply take a blank cd case and fill the cover page with money. Get creative and make a monogram or funky design using the money bills. Then on the inside, I have a CD that I burned songs that have a money theme. I think this is sure to be a hit!

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Money to Burn

Who wouldn’t love some money to burn? Guilt-free spend­ing at it’s best. Get a match­book and fill it with some cash. Just like all the other wrap­pings men­tioned this week, be sure to indi­cate on the out­side of the match­book that there is some­thing impor­tant on the inside. I sug­gest writ­ing some­thing like, “Money to burn, cour­tesy of Aunt Nel­lene.” You could even put it in an enve­lope with your card just like the photo above, half exposed. The ideas are really end­less when you put your right side of the brain to work!
