Easy DIY: Wine Box Turns Recipe Box

Last updated on January 5, 2023

Wine racks and boxes are not only cool look­ing for wine decor, but they may hold some sen­ti­men­tal value for us. What can we do with them? My wife had a kinda genius idea. This past year we made a rule to give each other hand­made gifts. Since I’m a foodie, she came up with this idea for me. (I’m still hav­ing trou­ble believ­ing she didn’t get some help! wink, wink)

What’s extra amaz­ing is she killed two birds with one stone on this DIY project. Check out my old tech­nique for stor­ing my recipes…

Yes, I had recipes on nap­kins, index cards, Post-it notes, mag­a­zine pages, and print outs. You could find them in any crevice of the kitchen too. I’m noto­ri­ous for stick­ing Post-its inside my cab­i­net doors with recipes. Not exactly the ideal orga­ni­za­tion tech­nique. Because I would just set the recipe papers next to me while cook­ing, they are cov­ered in every ingre­di­ent imag­in­able. Just look at my favorite recipe…

I could re-write it at this point, but I love the char­ac­ter it shows from all the years I’ve been mak­ing it. Think wrin­kles for recipes. In fact one day it might be fun to frame it. But for now, it is pro­tected in one of my binder pages neatly orga­nized under the appe­tizer section.

I just store my wine box on my kitchen counter. It not only matches the decor, but it’s also prac­ti­cal and serves a daily pur­pose! All this thanks to my genius hub

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  • wine box
  • spray adhe­sive
  • hot glue gun with glue
  • 2 small clothespins
  • dec­o­ra­tive paper
  • binder (be sure it fits inside the box)
  • clear binder sheets
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How To:

Cut your dec­o­ra­tive paper to fit the bot­tom of the box. Then using the spray adhe­sive set it into the bot­tom of the wine box.

Cut your dec­o­ra­tive paper to cover the mini clothes­pins and adhere with spray adhe­sive. Next, attach the clothes­pins with your glue gun to the top of the inside of the wine box lid.

Gather all your recipes and file them in the binder pages. Neatly orga­nize them from appe­tiz­ers, sal­ads, soups, main courses, desserts and misc. Really this can be done how­ever you would like.

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  • This makes a great wed­ding gift. Gather recipes from friends and fam­ily to add to the binder. Mod Podge their wed­ding invi­ta­tion on the top of the recipe book or on the inside of the box somewhere.
  • If the box comes from a win­ery you vis­ited, line the bot­tom (see tuto­r­ial) with a map show­ing the vine­yard location.
  • Add a “take out” menu binder to store in the box along with the recipe binder. There’s plenty of room for both.
