20 Alternative Wine Rack Use Ideas

kids crafts organizer

Explore the untapped potential of your wine rack because it’s more than just a storage item, it’s a gateway to innovative, space-saving transformations. Unleash the …

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Staying Safe While Doing DIY


The home improvement market has boomed in the past few years with many of us trying our hand at DIY while we were stuck at …

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How to Become Better at DIY

learn DIY

With the cost of living ever increasing, many of us are trying to save as much money as we can – and try to keep …

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How to Build A Simple Kids’ Treehouse


In today’s technologically saturated environment, a treehouse can be a way for your kids to connect with nature. In addition, playing at treehouses encourages physical …

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Repurpose Your Old T-Shirts

repurpose t-shirt

I’m not super “crafty” but I couldn’t resist these fruit bags. Be hip and styl­ish next time you’re shop­ping at the farm­ers mar­ket. They’re made …

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How to Make a Lightbox

As promised from my article, I am going to show you how to make a simple photography lightbox. Most people will find having a  lightbox …

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5 Creative Things to Do Mason Jars

mason jar

I love shar­ing ways to repur­pose dif­fer­ent items. Today I’m fea­tur­ing a clas­sic favorite, mason jars. Mason jars eliminate your storage problems because you can …

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How to Make Your Own Ice

I love to enter­tain! So this is the first of my many tips and tricks to make enter­tain­ing eas­ier and hope­fully lighter on the wal­let …

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